Tamsui Environmental Arts Festival
The Tamsui Environmental Arts Festival is staged in October each year in New Taipei City’s Tamsui District. The event originated as a celebration of art staged by Tamsui residents, artists, schools, neighborhoods, and art troupes. Under the guidance and support of New Taipei City’s Tamsui District Office and Cultural Affairs Department, this celebration of artistic expression has achieved national renown as one of Taiwan’s most distinctive local festivals.
A focal point of the arts festival is the Environmental Theater. One of its unique features is that the stage production was produced and performed by local artists working together with a large team of Tamsui residents. The production is based on the Sino-French War of 1884-1885; the story depicts the successful resistance against the French by our forefathers in Tamsui to protect their homes and families.
Another showcase activity is the Street Parade. Each year, artists lead local residents in creating costumes and props using eco-friendly materials, and everyone participates in the colorful parade. The main purpose of this approach is to promote the concept of environmental protection and sustainability through coexistence with the land.